
When you finish editing, you have to quit. MicroEMACS never writes out a file because it thinks that this is the right thing to do. However, it will attempt to protect you from forgetting to do so. [1]##1 [C-X C-C] This is the basic quit command. MicroEMACS exits, returning control to the shell. If there are any changed buffers that have not been written out, it will ask for permission to quit. Supplying an argument to C-X C-C makes the command quit unconditionally, without asking for confirmation. The value of the argument is not important. [C-C] This command suspends the execution of MicroEMACS, and runs a command interpreter in a subjob. When the subjob terminates, the screen is cleared and repainted.

The C-C command is the same as C-X C-C if the operating system cannot create command interpreters in subjobs.

Subjobs are implemented in VAX/VMS and MS-DOS. Users of CP/M-86 are out of luck. [C-Z] This is a slightly more elabourate quit command. If the current buffer has been changed, C-Z saves the contents of the buffer in the associated file (it gets an error if there is no associated file). If the current buffer has not been changed, C-Z acts like C-C.